
Monday, June 17, 2013

Winter's Scars Review

Defined by fate
Accused of betrayal
Scarred by fire


Not all metamorphoses are for the better. Sometimes nature can be cruel.

Evan Winter was the youngest in the family. He was the academic-minded, medical genius who could perform intricate surgical procedures if necessary. He was the logic-driven, golden-hearted kid-brother of Meg and Alik.

Everyone loved Evan. Everyone appreciated his devotion to family and his unconditional faith.

No one could have seen his change coming.
Nothing could have stopped the events as they unfolded.
Now everybody is in shock at what has become of Evan Winter.

My Take:
5 Stars

Would I recommend to others:  Absolutely
Appropriate for 14 and under:  Yes
Language and sexual content:  none/none

I finished this book in only a couple of days, which for me right now is VERY fast. (No time to read lately.)

I am giving this 5 stars and adding it to my favorites list. This series has quickly become one of my favorites, Karen does an amazing job capturing the reader and not letting go of them until the very last page.

This book was the most difficult in the series for me to read. Several of the characters that I've grown to love, are struggling even more than in the previous books. I had times where I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room, but settled for just turning it off and walking away from it.

Just when you think the evil men in the Winter's lives couldn't get any worse, they do something to completely surprise you. And right now, my heart is bleeding for Meg, who still has no memories. All the people that it's effecting, as she's the "glue" that holds everyone together, it's horribly sad to see the family and friends at odds over things that seem so trivial to me. I know Karen is going to correct all that is wrong in the next book, but I'm seriously worried that some of the characters are not going to make it out alive. Even Gideon/Sirus has grown a place in my heart, but I'm scared things won't bode well for him. I'm going to have to stalk the author's page and wait for book 6 as I cannot wait to see what she has in store. Great job, Karen! You are amazing!

Up Next:

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